Friday 11 October 2013

The 10 Commandments for all Art & Design students.

Last week my lovely A2 Art & Design students were confronted with last years AQA examiner reports.  After group work & close scrutiny they recorded the main comments/features & wrote their own top 10 tips, which they have called their '10 commandments' (it's crucial for the students to write/establish their own commandments, using their language, that they have found in the examiners report).  They were fascinated to see how their observations linked perfectly to their assessment criteria. 

The 10 Commandments for all Art & Design students
(written for all students by Art students).
1.  Observation - (be selective & aim to be creative in your interpretations).
2.  Development - (this includes independent development & personal ideas).
3.  Connections & clear record of ideas & choices - (remember your 'intelligent links').
4.  Diverse range of materials, techniques & ideas - (both traditional & contemporary).
5.  Enjoyment & engagement - (this needs to be evident in your work).
6.  Annotation/analysis & critical understanding - (this is your dialogue with the examiner).
7.  Sustained & confident approach - (this is crucial to accessing high marks).
8.  Review & refine throughout/reflect upon work & progress - (be reflective & honest).
9.  References & influences that inspire you - (acknowledge these carefully).
10.  Quality, quality, quality - from the start to the finish.
This type of activity takes very little time, but the knowledge that the students absorb is priceless!  Their next task is to identify evidence of the 10 commandments in their own sketchbooks & to discuss these in their lesson next week.  This is a great way of ensuring the students understand what examiners are looking for & for interpreting their own assessment objectives.
A final question for the studemts that read this post, please ask yourself the following:
Remember what I asked you all on day 1 (see post 6th September 2013) - 'Are you up for the challenge & are you up for the journey' ? If you want the grades, you have to work for them, demonstrating PRIDE in what you have produced.
(c) 2013 - As always all layouts & images on this blog are purely for the 'Moon on a stick' blog. I enjoy sharing information & ideas, however, I ask you not to use any of these images/layouts etc without permission or without noting its origins on your post. All rights reserved


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  3. I am studying art a level at the minute and I am desperate to know the artist from the first photo of this post as it doesn't say the artists name, it would be perfect for me to research, was wondering if you knew the name? :)
